Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Romantic Relationships Conducted As Business

An almost CC of what I text my bestie yesterday is about to be typed here. I wanted to preface it first by saying that I sought her opinion first because these are just one of many strange ideas we float to each other, often. But although I agree wholeheartedly with her opinion (it's favorable, indeed) of my idea, I also wanted to see what some of the rest of you thought. I'm actually thinking strongly of implementing this, and I want feedback from people who enjoy philosophizing and intellectualizing about these human ties we call relationships. BTW, from here on out when I refer to a "relationship" I am referring to the romantic type, unless otherwise qualified. Here we go:

"Serious question about relationships moving forward. I request your thoughts on conducting a hypothetical relationship in future as any other business. You have an interview to determine interest and compatibility, and possibly subsequent interviews to ask some pertinent questions that are definitely imperative that they be answered a certain way in order for your interest to be maintained. If you've gone this far then the both of you go away for a few days while background checks of sort are being done. Theoretically, you use this time to draft a relationship status offer. In this you honestly list what is unacceptable to you, what is a big deal but not a deal-breaker, and then a description of the status quo of dating you: these are things you can do to make me feel cherished, here are my hobbies and interests I want to maintain individually but here are some things I think it'd be cool if you tried with me (or joined me in). You basically assess yourself as only you know you are in a relationship, be upfront about your vices, include your needs vs. expectations. 
Then you (insert: ewww this sounds a bit like 50 Shades of Grey's contract) trade relationship CVs, set a date giving you both time to have read through and make notes if wanted, and you decide if you want to agree to these terms and treat it as a conditional contract. It's a lease you can break, not a house you have to sell. 

Questions? Comments? Clarifications? I don't care if you comment here but I'm going to post this on FB for a more open dialogue (I hope!)

1 comment:

  1. Could definitely be interesting. Especially seeing the aftermath.
